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Music to my Eyes

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I can only simulate the other three senses

The photographic life continues apace.


7 x 7

Gallery Raymond's exciting "7 x 7" Exhibition & Sale continues in Kingston (see my recent blog), featuring seven photographic artists, including myself. I spent some time there doing photography of ... the photographs! Dedicated, intentional photography of art exhibitions does not always or even usually occur, so I have adopted a one-person crusade to rectify that, starting here.

Gallery Raymon 7 x 7 2019

You don't have much more time to see this fabulous show.

Check out this review in the Kingston Whig-Standard.

Check out more of these photos.


Ginny Fobert - Inside Out Upside Down

I bopped up to Ottawa to see Ginny Fobert's Inside Out Upside Down Fine Art Photographic Exhibition & Sale, and found the exercise frankly transcendent.

Inside Out Upside Down Fine Art Photography Exhibition Ginny Fobert

Again: better hurry! Sales have been brisk, of photographs big and small, and the show is almost over.

Oh, and this brings me back to the question of what we consider as art, and how that applies to photography. Fobert's work absolutely qualifies.

I would never have described myself as "arty". I have science-training and experience, subscribe to principles of logic and reason, so it has come as a bit of a surprise to me over the last while to walk into a gallery and have my breath taken away. See my blog on Galleries.

This happened again recently when I saw the other six photographer's works at the 7 x 7 Exhibition (above), and when I walked into Room 112 at the Ottawa Archives and found over forty of Fobert's photographs hanging there.

Ginny Fobert's Inside Out Upside Down Exhibit

These all share a theme, a visual continuity - and I'll leave the technical discussion to Ginny, although I have found it fascinating - while varying remarkably from one piece to the next.

Several other photographers showed up, and some of us (including Ginny) later grabbed a lunch and talked photography. Not all of us get to do that often enough, i.e. we liked it.


Chris Stephens - Richard's Coffeehouse

But, my title for this blog, containing the words "music" and "eyes", relates to my most recent shoot, of Chris Stephens performing at Richard's Coffeehouse on Feb. 16, 2019.

Chris and Dan performing at Richard's Coffeeouse

I would have liked more motion-blur - and have some ideas for next time!

First: I have heard some great music at Richard's, and Chris was no exception, with power and emotion, an excellent set-list (many his own compositions). Also, I hadn't known that he would be showing up with a personable fellow named Dan accompanying him on a beautiful-sounding and expertly-played cello. Wow.

(Dan mentioned using a "1969 microphone" of a kind "they don't make like that anymore" - gotta' find out more about that some day!)

Chris Stephens

Chris Stephens, in performance

For a $5 cover, I haven't heard that level of musicianship anywhere else that I have been. Keep an eye on Richard's for upcoming performances.

Dan on cello

Second: by pre-arrangement, I photographed the concert. As usual, the venue and restrictions presented slim odds of success - restrictions, some self-imposed, included things like "don't get between the singer and the audience", and "keep the lighting unobtrusive" and "have no control over the staging" - and yet I feel pleased with what I accomplished.

Chris groovin'


Dan, Sam and Chris

I also managed (as if I could help myself) to sneak in a little art:

Chris's arm


cello and bow detail

fiddle and bow detail

See more photos in the eponymously-named album.


Music to my eyes

So, linking music and eyes has become, I hope, a bit more understandable. (I'm working on touch, taste and smell - but don't hold your breath.)

Of the many photographic services I offer, I enjoy photographing musicians. It doesn't have to be in performance, oftening working out really well during rehearsals, or simply as a sitting. Feel free to get in touch!


While You're Here:

ctLow Photographer

Remember that I make photographs and that I sell photographs.

Many of the photographs which you see on this web site are for sale. Prices at the time of writing, for example, for an 11x14" fine-art print with a generous white border would start at about $50, and you can go up or down from there. Check the rates page. More importantly, check out my gallery. I would love to provide you with a work of fine-art photography, or to discuss a commission.

Book a portrait-sitting - the right frequency with which to commission formal portraits is a bit more often.

Remember also to leave a comment, or to contact me. Note that on the main blog page you can sign up for new-blog notifications. I am very careful and respectful with your privacy.

Thank you so much for reading.

Charles T. Low


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