Charles T. Low
Exemplary Photographs

"That is an amazing photo Dad!!!!"
-some random individual, 2017
"I think that your photos are very impressive." -another random contact (thank you, darling), 2019
"I love what you have done. It exceeded my expectations." -Lance Besharah Woodturning, 2020
"Wow! I'm so impressed Charles! I actually like those pictures of me... even the rather prim one. I'm impressed. I usually hate the pictures of me, but those I do love." -L., 2020
"Thank you so much for these photos; they are beautiful. I am so happy with how they turned out, and grateful to you both for your creativity and flexibility." -Alex, Toronto, 2020
"I LOVE IT!!!!!! ... the photograph is absolutely amazing. The colours are phenomenal. My heart is full." -Tiffany T., Gananoque, Ontario, 2019
"Artful and thoughtful. Charles captures movement, stillness, darkness & light with poignant photographs. His work will have you feeling everything from a whisper to a roar." -Martello Alley gallery, Kingston, ON)
"... stunning image! ... I am absolutely blown away by your pictures! ... You are a very talented artist!" (I'm blushing.) -staff at the Nature Conservancy of Canada, 2018
"... amazing... just beautiful ..."
"You really took a lot of time with us & my totally honest opinion is that these are the best 'people and dog' photos we have ever had done..." Karen P., Kawaratha Lakes, 2018
"I learned so much! I want to do it again." photo-walk participant, Beth G., Brockville, Ontario, 2018
"You certainly have the eyes of an artist to see the beauty in such ordinary things." Tara M., real-estate client, North Augusta, Ontario, 2017
"WOW! ... I absolutely love the colours in the trees, the leaves on the ground, the darkening of the asphalt, the focus on the car. Love these!!" Jason L, automobile photography, Front of Yonge, Ontario, 2016