Photographic Niches
I cannot do it, cannot stick with one style, and I mean "cannot", not "will not". And I live with that entirely peacefully.

Photographer in his Natural Environment
That simply means: wielding a camera, making art Over-compensating for my last, wordless blog could back-fire, but let's see what...

Peripatetic Photographer
Singers and golfers and scenery, oh my!
The adventure continues. I would like to see you an art-photograph. I would like to do a photogr

Charles T. Low's Amazing Photography Adventure
The BAPC asked me to do a presentation. I chose a topic about which I care and know something: my own personal journey into the world of pho

Dublin Photography Mechanics
I would like to review the topic from the point of view of a technical photographer, discussing the minutiae of how that went. If you feel t

Dublin, Ireland
Recently, I spent a short time in Dublin, Ireland.
Going someplace new allows me to bring fresh eyes to things which perhaps the locals don

Music to my Eyes
Music to my Eyes. I can only simulate the other three senses. The photographic life continues apace.

Gallery Raymond 7 x7
Raymond Vos has opened his annual Gallery Raymond 7 x 7 show, in which seven photographers each hang (approximately) seven photographs.

Adequate (Exposure) Compensation
Can I just say that so plainly, in this age of political-correctness?
I see a lot of bad exposures.

Pre-Holidays Photography
Once again, for someone with nothing to do, aiming at "half-time" for my retirement photography business, I feel awfully busy. Ove