Photographic Niches
I cannot do it, cannot stick with one style, and I mean "cannot", not "will not". And I live with that entirely peacefully.

Peripatetic Photographer
Singers and golfers and scenery, oh my!
The adventure continues. I would like to see you an art-photograph. I would like to do a photogr

Charles T. Low's Amazing Photography Adventure
The BAPC asked me to do a presentation. I chose a topic about which I care and know something: my own personal journey into the world of pho

Dublin, Ireland
Recently, I spent a short time in Dublin, Ireland.
Going someplace new allows me to bring fresh eyes to things which perhaps the locals don

Music to my Eyes
Music to my Eyes. I can only simulate the other three senses. The photographic life continues apace.

Photographic Smorgasbord
I strive always towards exemplary compositions and a profound collaboration with light. (I do not always succeed, in which case ideally I at

Feels Like Nothing Going On
Until I made a list.
Bloggers often apologize for the extended time between blogs. First of all, that assumes that throngs of admirers are

Digital Camera Basics ... Again!
... enough photographers have asked me the question that I think that it behooves me to answer it more forthrightly. So kindly forgive my pa

Whoa! Back Up There!!
We will all however have our computers eventually crash. It's not a matter of "if", but of "when", because these thi

Three points for photography learners
... friends approaching me with variations on the story that they got a new digital camera some time ago, and find it so intimidating that i