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Focus on Art-Photography

Selling Photo-Art Prints and Photo-Art Books

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Autumn simply has me making and moving art. I also do portraiture, and I do commissions - could be almost anything - both personal and commercial, but the bulk of my activity recently comprises making and selling art.

I like that!

Snowy evergreens at sunrise
Snowy evergreens at sunrise

I made the photograph above a week ago, and sold it yesterday. I think that's some kind of a record.

So may I say right off the bat: consider buying some photo-art! For example, I have admired a specific painting for some time, done by local artist John Sörenson (the fellow who owns and runs the intriguing Balleycanoe (read my earlier blog), selling 19th-century architectural salvage. It finally penetrated my thick cerebrum that, if I still really liked it the third time I saw it: buy it before someone else does!

I don't think that I should post a photo of it here without permission. But Wallace Hall, as he has titled it, is fabulous, and I'm so glad to own it.

Late-breaking news update: John has offered that I may show this piece:

Wallace Hall, by John Sörenson
Wallace Hall, by John Sörenson

Thank you very much for your generosity, John!

So feel free to buy the work of mine which appeals to you most.

Oh, and if you're wondering if photographs can be art - I still hear this questioned (amazingly) - then read this.

Christmas is coming; the World could use a little more beauty, and I have seen some evidence that exposure to Art benefits individuals and communities on many levels, levels beyond simply the immediate appreciation of a pleasing work. It's like learning to play a musical instrument, which helps you with math; thinking about and enjoying art (or making art) - I believe - makes you smarter!

I want to be smarter! Make the World a better place. Get some art.


Focus #1, at Abstraction in the 1000 Islands
Focus #1, at Abstraction in the 1000 Islands

My own portfolio resides here. Also I currently have one piece up in the Radford-curated exhibit, Abstraction in the 1000 Islands, Brockville Public Library (2nd floor, non-fiction). You can purchase it or any other of the fabulous works on display there.

The exhibit doesn't run much longer, so hurry on down!


Martello Alley

I have the privilege of being the guest artist for November at Martello Alley in Kingston, Ontario. The owner, David Dossett, has been very kind and helpful, and as well as framed prints - most about 18-inches on the long side, and then with borders and mattes - there are smaller prints on a stiff backing, and notecards for those wanting more personal, less formulaic greeting cards.

I intend to get back there soon and do a more formal shoot of my exhibit and of the rest of the gallery, but for now, the following gives the flavour.

ctLow Photographs at Martello Alley
ctLow Photographs at Martello Alley

Merchandise is moving! May I humbly suggest that if I didn't think it wall-worthy, then I wouldn't hang it. If David didn't think it wall-worthy, then he wouldn't hang it either.


Brockville in Photographs

This book has hit the stores, and people have said very nice things about it. It has twenty-one photographs of Brockville, all mine of course, and I present them as art rather than attempting any systematic photo-documentation of the city.

Brockville in Photographs -a book with 21 photographs of or from Brockville, Ontario, by Charles T. Low
Brockville in Photographs -a book with 21 photographs of or from Brockville, Ontario, by Charles T. Low

I say this: I photograph a wide range of scenes and styles, extending far beyond urban, but I live in a (small) city, and I quite often make photographs in the city.

As to the matter of style: my intention has always been to make each image simply the best that I could produce. (If you find an identifiable style in the book, please let me know!)

Brockville City Hall, fog, evening - Brockville in Photographs, a book by Charles T. Low
Brockville City Hall, evening, fog. (There are so many better lights - like this - than bright sunshine.) I almost rue posting this example photo from the book, because the photographic style and subject-material is so wide-ranging - no one image is representative.

Brockville in Photographs, lovingly printed by Rapido Books on upgraded photo-paper, then priced very reasonably at $27, is available directly from me, or currently from Martello Alley, or from the Brockville Tourism outlet on Market Street West in Brockville. (Other retailers please inquire!)


This is the second year for this annual show, with a charitable side, benefitting the Sailing School. The whole thing is marvellously organized - thank you, Brigitte! I felt very lucky to be offered a booth, aided by the loan of some display hardware from extraordinary local painter Pam McKinnon - thank you Pam! And I sold some art.

My display at the 2019 Brockville Yacht Club Artisans' Show & Sale, benefitting the Sailing School
My display at the 2019 Brockville Yacht Club Artisans' Show & Sale, benefitting the Sailing School


Hang Ups

I spent a morning at Hang Ups Creative Picture Framing, photographing inside their store. They do framing work of an unparalleled quality, have a store as well, and upstairs they run an Art Gallery which too few people know about - I have no doubt that when you're looking to expand your art-collection, you will find something very pleasing at Hang Ups. (Some of my work is there.)

Umbrella-shaped umbrella hangers
Umbrella-shaped umbrella hangers

The stairs lead up to the Art Gallery!
The stairs lead up to the Art Gallery!

And of course Hang Ups wants you to know that they have frames!
And of course Hang Ups wants you to know that they have frames! These aren't all - I didn't manage to get them all in one photograph!

And Anne and Jessica are involved in civic projects as well - impressive!


Ongoing art production

I could easily show close to a hundred photographs which I have produced since my last blog in late September, and which I deem worthy of display. A small selection will follow below. To keep up with more, you can follow me on Facebook or Instagram; both are "ctLowPhotog", or search for "Charles T. Low Photography".

little blue flowers
Little blue flowers

dawn on the St. Lawrence River -where does the fog end and the clouds begin?
Dawn on the St. Lawrence River -where does the fog end and the clouds begin?

Double rainbow
Double rainbow. Confession: I was with friends, all of us awe-struck by this wonder, and I mentioned that in all my years I had next to no good rainbow photographs, and now I didn't have a camera with me. Someone pointed to my belt. Yes, this is from a cell-phone. Not only that, but I used its panorama feature.

Autumn in northern Manitoba
Autumn in northern Manitoba

Birch stand, snowing, northern Manitoba
I often tell learners not just to point their camera at something which looks pleasing to the eye - woods being a common example: looks nice, photographs poorly. I believe I broke my own rule here, although this was a very thoughtful photograph. (Also northern Manitoba.)

barn, doors, Balleycanoe 19th century architectural salvage
Inside the barn, 19th century architectural salvage; they sell much, much more than doors, but they do have a lot of doors!

The image above was from a local camera club excursion, yesterday, to Balleycanoe (hence my painting purchase, mentioned above).

Dawn St. Lawrence River mist, Johnstown Bridge.
Hot off the camera-sensor, I made this image this morning, at Johnstown, Ontario, Canada. I was comfortable at -10C, just before sunrise. I have learned that the foreground is a constructed fish habitat, to compensate for the expansion of the Port (adjacent but not in the image).


Places to purchase ctLow Photographic Art

Leave lots of time before the holidays (for printing and framing). You can obtain a work of art:

  • directly from me;

  • one piece is up at the Brockville Library in the Abstraction exhibit;

  • Hang Ups in Brockville;

  • or Martello Alley in Kingston for another few weeks.

Check the gallery to see what you like - anything not yet printed, can be!

I suggest sizes in the 20-inch-long range, then bordered and matted, but feel free to go small or to go big!

My new book, Brockville in Photographs, is available directly from me, from Brockville Tourism, and from Martello Alley.

This is the time to:

  • book portraits, individual, family, or business;

  • commission a work, if you have some thing or place which is special to you, personal or commercial.


While You're Here ...

 ctLow Photogapher

Reminder: I make photographs and I sell photographs.

Art - Most of the photographs which you see on this web site are for sale. Prices at the time of writing, for example, for an 11x14" fine-art print with a generous white border would start at about $65, and you can go up or down from there. Check the rates page. More importantly, check out my gallery. I would love to provide you with a work of fine-art photography, or to discuss a commission.

Portraits - Book a sitting - the right frequency with which to commission formal portraits is a bit more often.

Anything (almost ...)! Please inquire for photography categories such automotive, industrial, charitable ...

Another reminder: kindly leave a comment, or contact me to sign up for new blog notifications. I will very much appreciate referrals to potential new subscribers. I am very careful and respectful with your privacy.

Thank you so much for reading.

Charles T. Low



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