Photography While Downhill Skiing
The views while downhill skiing must present terrific opportunities for the photographer. Not! Downhill skiing and photography do not go tog

Got Up and Went ... Photographing!
I recognize a middle category, that of intentional photography but with a less defined time-frame or subject - or both. Today I'm callin

Seeing versus Looking
The real sight-organ is the brain The joy of photography resides, in part, in the challenge of i) finding a pleasing scene and then ii)...

Photography Equipment
... the most important piece of equipment a photographer has resides between her or his ears ...

Photography Practice
I should close by saying again that I'm not expecting sainthood - certainly not of myself. I do this because I enjoy it.
I simply enjoy

People love - and hate their own portraits. Wrinkles show, as well as grey hair - or the lack of hair! What is a portrait photographer to do

Instructional Photography Walk
The goal: offer unscripted photography instruction "on the ground", out in the woods with camera and tripod. The participants coul

Tool of Thirds
"Rules" of Photographic Composition, and their limitations

Marketing or Art?
Christmas is coming! Consider the gift of a photograph.

What defines a proper photograph?
How can there be one correct answer to what defines a proper photograph?